An argument as old as Scott, propane versus briquette. For purists, nothing beats the flame of charcoal and I'm definitely with that school of thought. However, for the casual backyard griller, the convenience of propane almost always wins out. Propane requires no prep, has no messy cleanup and lasts longer/is cheaper that charcoal.
I guess it depends how you value your time, patience and tastebuds.
I've gone completely charcoal in my backyard. The smoker and a charcoal grill are all I need. I grill 4-6 nights a week and am way more impatient than most. My saving grace and the one tool any griller should have is the Weber Rapidfire chimney starter.
Anyone who has ever complained about the setup time of charcoal needs to invest in one of these. At around 15 bucks at your preferred home improvement megalopolstore, it's a cheap deal for an awesome tool. Let's figure your propane grill is new and efficient, it probably takes 5-8 minutes to heat up to searing temperature. I can have a full chimney of briquette's ready to roll in 10. Less time if you use lump natural charcoal. It's simple. Crumple up some newspaper, give the paper a few spritzes of oil(olive, vegetable, whatever. thanks alton!) and stuff it under the chimney and light. The oil will keep the paper from burning too fast and your coals will be glowing in no time.
You cannot deny that charcoal simply tastes BETTER. It adds another element to whatever you're grilling. It's not simply just high heat cooking your meal but a smokey, distinct FLAVOR infusing it's way through your food and given the option, I wouldn't have it any other way.
another advantage is never having to buy (or taste) lighter fluid anymore..
ReplyDeletewhile I'll admit it can be done without, I really like wearing gloves (just like in the picture, yay!) when pouring one of these- I've had a few embers get caught in the wind and end up on my hands..
These two turned me onto the charcoal chimney and I have never looked back. It really is a must for any Charcoal grilled food lover. I had not used my charcoal grill for years until I learned about this grilling tool. Now I have flipped 180 and have not used my gas grill since...
ReplyDeleteHah, my friends had never seen a charcoal chimney until I brought home my new Weber and the accessories I got to go with it. There are more than a couple converts in my social circle now.